The Sacredness of Trees
Vegar Sandholt Vegar Sandholt

The Sacredness of Trees

In 2019, ‘Sacredness of trees’ by Ellen Lindquist was premiered in Bodø, Norway, and performed by Vegar Olav Sandholt as part of the festival Nordic Music Days. But not only did the music sound in Bodø, but the piece was also performed in 16 carillons around the world during the festival days.

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World Carillon Congress 2021
Vegar Sandholt Vegar Sandholt

World Carillon Congress 2021

As announced, an online WCF congress will be held in June 2021, together with the GCNA congress, hosted by Trinity College and colleague Ellen Dickinson. Although the times are bizarre, we hope it will be a place to feel connected!  

Never before so many carillons and so many carillonists appeared during a congress. It will give a unique view on the carillon world. You will hear at least 62 carillonists and at least 56 different carillons! 

All events can be followed via one Zoomlink, but you can also watch it afterwards. Registration is free, but required in order to be able to participate: 

We will meet during the opening on Tuesday 1 June! 

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Matthias Vanden Gheyn - 300 år
Vegar Sandholt Vegar Sandholt

Matthias Vanden Gheyn - 300 år

7. april 2021 er det 300 år siden Matthias Vanden Gheyn ble født. Han var klokkenist i Leuven i Belgia og har gitt verden de eldste preludier for klokkespill vi kjenner. Gheyn feires av klokkenister verden over og oppfordringen går til alle om å gi ham en klingende bursdagsgave.

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Verdenskongress 2021 online
Vegar Sandholt Vegar Sandholt

Verdenskongress 2021 online

I juni 2021 inviteres alle til en virtuell verdenskongress. Kongressens tema er “Broadening our Repertoire: Carillon Music for Everyone” og vertskap er Guild of Carillonneurs of North America (GCNA) og Trinity College. Les mere her:

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