Verdenskongress 2021 online


World Carillon Congress 2021

Save the dates!

These are the dates for the official WCF-meetings. All these meetings will take place at 21:00 cest (Brussels time). During the General Assemblies we will watch the guild presentations and guild concerts.

There will be much more online events and concerts from June 1 till June 30, organized by our host, Ellen Dickinson, Trinity College. All events (also the General Assemblies) will be accessible with one Zoomlink for the entire congress. The delegates will receive a different link for their meetings.

All events are free, but you must register in advance. More information about registration and all the other events will follow soon!


Saturday 15 May 15 at 21:00: 1st meeting Committee of Delegates

Saturday 5 June 5 at 21:00: 1st General Assembly

Saturday 12 June at 21:00: 2nd General Assembly

Tuesday 15 June 15 at 21:00: 2nd meeting Committee of Delegates

Saturday 19 June at 21:00: 3rd General Assembly

This will be the WCF's first (and last, we live on hope) online congress. Do not miss it, it will be special!

Dress code: formal (from your middle)


Matthias Vanden Gheyn - 300 år


Musikk for pasjon og påske