World Carillon Federation | Newsletter 2024–I

New carillon for Grindsted Church

The new carillon for Grindsted Church, which is expected to be ready by Easter 2024, will have 61 bells (Bb0-C1-c6). The bells, with a total bronze weight of almost 20 tons, are cast by Eijsbouts in Asten, and as a special feature they are tuned in according to the unequal temperament Neidthardt für das Dorf 1732. This tuning method was first used in 2011 at the small carillon in Vejlby Church, Allingåbro (DK) 27 bells, and has since been used for the carillons in Bodø Cathedral (N) 50 bells, Aulum Church (DK) 28 bells. The keyboard is made according to the WCF 2006 standard, and there is a corresponding practice keyboard immediately next to it in the cabin. 36 bells are fitted with external magnetic hammers for automatic play.

Restoration and expansion for King Frederik IX's Carillon in Løgumkloster

Since 2019, due to an extensive corrosive attack, it has not been possible to play manually at King Frederik IX's Carillon in Løgumkloster. An extensive restoration also includes the iconic steel belfry. At the same time, the existing number of bells of 49 bells is expanded by two octaves in the treble to a total of 6 octaves = 73 bells. The expansion is primarily justified by the fact that the carillon functions as a teaching instrument for the Scandinavian Carillon School, which is based in the city. Of the musical instrument itself, only the 49 original bells are reused, while the mechanics, keyboard and automatics are completely renewed. The new keyboard is made according to the WCF 2006 Standard and the automation will work pneumatically with small air cylinders that activate the keys directly. The project which has been made possible thanks to donations from five different foundations is scheduled to begin during March 2024 and is expected to be completed later this year.

Nordic Society of Campanology and Carillon

NSCK (NSCC) unites people and organizations with an interest in carillon, bell ringing and church bells in the Nordic countries. Our purpose is to work for an increased interest in bells, ringing and carillon as well as to support campanological research. NSCK represents the World Carillon Federation (WCF) in the Nordic region. The association publishes the journal Acta Campanologica twice a year. Volumes and articles are listed under the menu Acta Campanologica, most of them with abstracts in English.