We are sad to announce that Honorary Member Margo Halsted (1938-2023) passed away on February 22, 2023.
She was first introduced to the carillon as an undergraduate student at Stanford University. Margo passed the Carillonneur examination at the 1967 congress in Ottawa and received a diploma from the Netherlands Carillon School. She was heavily involved within the GCNA over the years, serving as Assistant Secretary, a member of the Board of Directors, chair of several committees, and editor of the newsletter. Margo was awarded honorary membership in the GCNA and twice received the GCNA’s Certificate for Exceptional Service. She was also awarded the Berkeley Medal, Bell and Citation Awards from the World Carillon Federation, and was an honorary member of the Belgian Carillon School.
Over the course of her 55-year career, Margo held carillon positions at Stanford University, the University of California Riverside, the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, and the University of California Santa Barbara and taught over 200 students to play the carillon. She concertized around the world and consulted on 8 new carillons. Margo was preceded in death by two weeks by her husband Peter LeSourd.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Armbruster Fund, an endowment that Margo started to benefit the University of Michigan’s carillon program. A video from a 2021 presentation that Margo gave on her life and career can be found here. Her son Chris has posted a tribute on his Facebook page and asks that people send him (chalsted@sbcglobal.net) any photos they would like to share.